*this listing is for a 2 oz glass jar with lid* please reuse or recycle.
this dark and stormy salve made to draw <things> out of the skin. It is used for splinters, boils, glass shards, insect venom, acne, psoriasis, blisters, under skin infections, and anything else that needs to be pulled out. In more extreme cases (such as deep boils) this salve works well with a hot compress of Epsom salt water.
Apply salve, cover with band-aid or cloth, and let set for 1 or more hours.
For boils or deeply embedded splinters this salve works extra well if you soak a cloth in warm epsom salts water, wring out, and hold compress over affected area covered in salve.
>infused in organic, unrefined avocado oil
>ceremonial tobacco leaves
>plantain leaves
>horsetail grass tops
>lavender flowers
>bentonite clay
>activated charcoal from cedar and poplar trees
>beeswax- ethically harvested from our own beloved bees
*all ingredients are organic, organically grown, ethically harvested from the wild, and/or fair trade*
Although I am a community herbalist and healer I am not a medical doctor. I am not attempting to diagnose or treat major medical conditions. Please be smart and use common sense when using herbs and natural healing modalities and be extra cautious if you are taking prescription medications, pregnant or breast feeding, have ongoing immune issues or major health concerns. Please consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about serious medical conditions or contraindications. Not FDA approved.